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Previous Comments



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What's your number? http://beegfree.site beeg The mighty Phill Jupitus turns in a disappointingly low-key performance as the DG, a sinister grandee accused of channelling BBC funds to a telepathic cult organisation known as the Million Man Mind which has hacked and shut down Auntie’s news site. Elsewhere a gaggle of other comedians switch into acting mode with variable results. Suki Webster copes well in the far-fetched role of an ineffectual underling catapulted into the hot-seat as Head of News the moment the mysterious crisis breaks; Sara Pascoe brings a droll sense of having her mind on other things as a catty junior news producer; and best of the bunch, Hal Cruttenden livens up flagging proceedings with a camp-as-Christmas turn as a preening newsreader. There are flashes of inspiration – running gags about Facebook and being exiled to Salford point to potential; and the piece has a good grasp of back-stabbing office politics. That dread phrase “You have my full support” puts you in mind of Yes, Minister but this isn’t that, not by a long chalk. File under low-priority “daytime” theatre.

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3/27/2023 2:23:19 PM


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